Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to the Smart n Heroic Timelords!

Hello, parking meter. Hello! D:
Hey guys, Talon here. This is a new blog about Victoria Spiritblossom and Talon Thunderblade blogging about Wizard101, life, Doctor Who, purple turtles, and chocolate! Victoria is The Smart Allec Wizard. I am The Heroic Pyromancer. Check out our blogs! Here is a picture of us! We love piano, books, and Doctor Who.

Wait, my face doesn't appear. Notice my burnzilla in slow-mo hopping state.

Hear we go! I'm in the 10th Doctor's costume. (Clicky = Enlargy) Victoria thinks the dead on dude on the stick is creepy. Continue to venture this and our blogs!
Happy Reading! -Thunderblade

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